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Rustic Winter Decor

Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalms 51:7

We are getting a light dusting of snow here in the Ozarks and it has created a beautiful winter wonderland outside my window. This “gift” has allowed me to be still, taking time to reflect on the past and dream about the future. I just love days like today. Escaping busy schedules, timelines, and the craziness of life to invest a few moments for myself. Taking time to think creatively truly nourishes my soul. You know my love for all things home décor…so taking time to sit at this keyboard, and share a snippet of my passion brings me such joy. What brings peace and joy to your life? Do you take the time to disconnect from the busyness of life to nourish your soul? I would encourage you to act on it when you feel a gentle nudge or hear a sweet whisper. Take the time to create space in your life for activities that refresh, restore, and renew your spirit. For me, the ultimate reward is knowing this “time” brings about a healthier balance in my life. Maybe it will for you too!

Winter décor…rustic and warm

While taking down the Christmas décor, I was resistant to pack away the greenery and “winter” touches. Removing all the pops of red but leaving the rustic garland and a few evergreen stems created a cozy winter vibe. I even kept a few of my little trees out…especially the ones I flocked. Keeping with this “cozy” theme, I made sure to have plenty of warm throws handy for those cold winter nights when you just want to curl up on the couch and sip something warm. Not only are these throws functional, they are also decorative. Placing them in baskets, draping them over a sofa, or folding and laying them across a coffee table as I’ve done here creates warmth and texture within the spaces you call home.

Pillows and more pillows…

So…I have an obsession with pillows. I will admit it! But I feel this is one of the most budget friendly ways to decorate. If you like to make subtle changes from season to season, adding a new pillow or two…or three (haha) is a great start. Plus, just like the throws, pillows offer a variety of texture and pattern. Be willing to take a risk with pattern! It truly brings personality to each space and creates a custom look. My goal for this transition to winter décor was to create spaces in my home that did not scream winter. Instead, I chose to add a few items that helped create a fairly neutral winter palette. Some examples in the living room would be the vintage ice skates and rustic wooden snowflakes. Miss Daisy, with her white winter coat, just blends right in.

Use meaningful items to tell a story…

Blessed Assurance…Jesus is Mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God; Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

When I was in high school, my sweet grandma came to live with us. Her name was Pearl and she was beautiful in every way just as her name evokes. My grandmother certainly wasn’t a talented vocalist. However, she made up for it in her ability to whistle. Instead of humming or singing church hymns, she would whistle them. I know…so sweet, right? It was a precious and truly beautiful sound; one of my fondest memories.

Flea market finds…

I found this old hymnal a few weeks ago for just $2.00 at an antique store. Inexpensive? Yes! But… it has sprung up priceless memories.

Do you decorate with items that are meaningful; items that tell a story? I believe it’s these little decorating choices that turn our houses into homes. One of my next projects is to frame some of my favorite hymns from this hymnal. I got this idea from my friend Heather @heatherbuglane. I’ll be sure to include a blog post later to share the results.

Shop your own home…

I am ALWAYS on the hunt for affordable “treasures” to add to my home décor. For example those ironstone gravy bowls were picked up from one of my favorite antique stores in Ozark, Missouri for $3.00 each. However, to maintain the budget, I always shop my home to help style a room or space. The rest of the items pictured here are little things I already had. The result…a festive, fun, and affordable rustic winter scene for my kitchen island!

“Kindness is like snow…it beautifies everything it covers.” – Kahlil Gibran

If you made it this far…thank you for faithfully reading my post. Again, creating warm and comfortable spaces in my home and sharing them with you on this blog truly nourishes my soul. I hope you have given yourself some time today to do the same.

If y’all want to know what I’m up to more often, give me a follow on Instagram. I try to post a new picture each day!

Until next time…



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